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Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council is the parish authority for the two villages of Bothenhampton and Walditch they have a combined population of about  2500. The Parish Council has a full compliment of 9 Councillors


Parish Council Elections are held every five years, the next Parish Councillor election will take place in May 2019.  If you wish to stand as a Parish Councillor please complete a nomination form which can be downloaded here.


The Parish Council meets 10 times a year at the village halls of Bothenhampton and Walditch, there are also several sub-group meetings where a variety of council topics are discussed.


The Parish Council provide a number of services to the two villages of Bothenhampton and Walditch and hold powers to provide and maintain services should they so wish.


  • Powers to provide and maintain allotments for cultivation (this is currently organised by Bridport Town Council

  • Powers to provide and maintain monuments and memorials, including the maintenance of the grounds of the 3 churches in the parish.

  • Powers to make bye-laws in regard to pleasure grounds, cycle parks and open spaces and burial grounds.

  • Powers to provide and equip buildings for use of clubs having athletic, social or educational objectives, including contributing to the upkeep and maintenance of 2 village halls.


  • Powers to spend money on various crime prevention measures.

  • Provision of defibrillators.

  • Powers to deal with ponds and ditches (via the Lengthsman).

  • Provision of entertainment and support of the arts.

  • Powers to repair and maintain public footpaths and bridleways (via the Lengthsman and Rangers).

  • Allocation of grants to help local organisations support community development.

  • Powers to acquire land and open spaces for the benefit of the public.

  • Powers to prosecute and defend any legal proceedings in the interests of the inhabitants.  Power to take part in any public local inquiry.

  • Provision of litter and dog bins.

  • Provision and maintenance of play equipment.

  • Powers to plant and maintain roadside verges.

  • Provision and maintenance of public seats.

  • Powers to erect signs which warn of dangers or announce a place name, or indicate a bus stop.

  • Powers to contribute to, and encourage tourism.

  • Powers to contribute financially to traffic calming schemes.

  • Powers to spend money on community transport schemes.

  • Powers to maintain the village green.

  • Powers to maintain, repair, protect and adapt war memorials.

  • Powers to issue fixed penalty fines for litter, graffiti, fly posting and dog offences.


In relation to Highways:

  • Powers to light roads and public places.

  • Powers to provide parking places for vehicles, bicycles and motorcycles.

  • Powers to enter into agreement as to dedication and widening.

  • Consent of parish council required for ending maintenance of highway at public expense, or for stopping up or diversion of highway.

  • Powers to provide traffic signs and other notices.

  • Powers to plant trees along verges.


In relation to Planning:

  • Local councils have a right to be consulted of any planning application affecting their area and to make comments which the planning authority must take into account.


In relation to General Expenditure Powers:

  • In any situation not covered by one of the specific powers described above a council may spend a limited amount of money on any purpose which in its opinion is of direct benefit to its area or to the inhabitants.




A precept is set annually by the Parish Council being the “local” tax paid by local tax payers.  The precept is collected through the Council Tax by West Dorset District Council.  



How we are funded?

Issues being considered by the Council 

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Read Survey 


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