Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council
The Conservation Area Appraisal for Bothenhampton sets out the key characteristics of the village and any issues associated with it:
• A dramatic setting within the Dorset AONB, set on the slopes of higher ground above Bridport and backed by high wooded hills;
• The Hyde is an important Victorian country house with an interesting garden history, whose parkland setting is a key component of the Conservation Area;
• 13 Listed Building entries including a Grade II* former longhouse, an attractive mid-Victorian church, The Hyde, the Real Tennis Court (a rare building type), a C17 former Manor House and several early C19 farmhouses and estate cottages;
• 15 Important local buildings of visual or group value, including the Victorian former school, several vernacular cottages and farm buildings, Victorian larger houses and a K6 telephone box;
• Two coherent groups of Listed and unlisted buildings at the western and eastern entries to the village;
• The use of local Inferior Oolite building stone provides good quality building details and a reasonable consistency of colour and texture through parts of the village;
• Other characterful building materials and details, notably the use of thatch, clay plain tiles and pantiles, cob and render, cast and wrought ironwork.

Walditch Village Hall Committee would like to WELCOME you to Walditch. As a small village, Walditch is very keen to foster a community spirit and the Village Hall Management Committee works very hard to encourage use of the Village Hall by the whole community. As well as occasional events organised by various groups and individuals (usually advertised on village notice boards) there are groups who meet on a regular basis. We hope that you find something interesting in the list below and look forward to meeting you soon:
Calligraphy: 9.30am-12.30pm An informal practice group every other Monday during autumn and spring terms. For more details contact Eileen Dearden on 01308 425383
Table Tennis: 7.00-9.00pm Players of all ages are welcome for informal practice and games. £2 per session. For more details contact Pat Stapleton on 01308 456421
Yoga: 10.30-12.00 noon General practice. £5 per session. For more details contact Gillian Summers on 01308 421966
Art Group: 2.00-4.00pm An informal group of amateur artists who use the hall in winter but meet at outside locations during summer weather. For more details contact Robin Stapleton on 01308 456421
3rd TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH Walditch Women’s Institute: 10.00-12.00noon For more details contact Pat Pullen on 01308 425703. See WI page for full listing of events.
4th TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH Craft, Coffee and Chat: 10.00-12.00noon A very informal meeting for people to carry on with a hobby/craft among others of a like mind. For more details contact Mary George on 01308 422034
LAST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH Walditch Gardeners’ Club: 10.00am The club welcomes everyone to their monthly sessions for informal, friendly gardening discussion, diagnosis of plant and garden problems, exchange of seeds and plant material. Join us for tea/coffee and garden chat. For more details contact Jane Mowatt on 01308 424581.
Regular monthly events also include - 'Craft, Coffee and Chat@
Private Bookings of the hall are welcomed. For more information contact:
Jill Tobutt on 01308 458999 or Pat Pullen on 01308 425703