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Walditch Village Hall


Walditch Village Hall Committee would like to WELCOME you to Walditch.  As a small village, Walditch is very keen to foster a community spirit and the Village Hall Management Committee works very hard to encourage use of the Village Hall by the whole community.  As well as occasional events organised by various groups and individuals (usually advertised on village notice boards) there are groups who meet on a regular basis.  We hope that you find something interesting in the list below and look forward to meeting you soon:




Calligraphy:    9.30am-12.30pm  An informal practice group every other Monday during autumn and spring terms.  For more details contact Eileen Dearden on 01308 425383


Table Tennis:  7.00-9.00pm  Players of all ages are welcome for informal practice and games.  £2 per session.  For more details contact Pat Stapleton on 01308 456421


Yoga:   10.30-12.00 noon  General practice.  £5 per session.  For more details contact Gillian Summers on 01308 421966

Art Group:  2.00-4.00pm  An informal group of amateur artists who use the hall in winter but meet at outside locations during summer weather.  For more details contact Robin Stapleton on 01308 456421





3rd TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH       Walditch Women’s Institute:     10.00-12.00noon  For more details contact Pat Pullen on 01308 425703.  See WI page for full listing of events.

4th TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH      Craft, Coffee and Chat:   10.00-12.00noon   A very informal meeting for people to carry on with a hobby/craft among others of a like mind.  For more details contact Mary George on 01308 422034

LAST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH     Walditch Gardeners’ Club:  10.00am    The club welcomes everyone to their monthly sessions for informal, friendly gardening discussion, diagnosis of plant and garden problems, exchange of seeds and plant material.  Join us for tea/coffee and garden chat.  For more details contact Jane Mowatt on 01308 424581.

Regular monthly events also include - 'Craft, Coffee and Chat@


Private Bookings of the hall are welcomed.  For more information contact:

Jill Tobutt on 01308 458999 or Pat Pullen on 01308 425703

Additional VILLAGE HALL events can be seen here


Many of Walditch’s community enjoyed a “Noughties” party in the Village Hall, celebrating the six ladies’ milestone birthdays this year.

Val, Ann, Sally, Sheila, Sue and Lyn hosted the event which featured exotic cocktails, great snacks and a wonderful cake containing icing models of the birthday girls.

The assembled guests were treated to a rendition that had something in common with a certain operetta.

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